Getting new developers up to speed and give them a warm welcome.
One thing is for sure. You will be doing this activity together with new people joining your company many times. No matter how much don't want people to leave and you are told "ensure that everyone stays!” by some delusional CEO, people do indeed come and go.
So it's a great idea to have a process for it. Also, it’ll help you handle new excited joiners in their first days of the company, when they are still curious and non-indoctrinated. And what’s better for motivation than getting a warm welcome?
Working with onboarding lists helps you keep the onboarding organised, tracked and visual. Putting clear actors to each activity that needs to be happening ensures a clear ownership and nothing will fall thru the cracks.
On top of the onboarding list for developers should of course be to get them access to all the needed systems and get them a good new computer so they can get started right away.
Introduction plans with other devs, demos of code and functionality, going thru dev processes etc is also great to have, but it would from my point of view be even nicer to arrange 1:1 meetings with everyone in the team so they could meet and greet and get to know.
We always worked with buddy systems so that a person is responsible for helping and getting them up to speed.
Read more in "The CTO Playbook" available on Apple Books and Amazon/Kindle.